Tuesday, May 1, 2012


The moment of your absence I begin wracking my brain, searching for an excuse to draw you near again. What can I do to pull you in? What can I say to entice you? To tide myself over, I replay the memories of our previous encounters and savor every second.

My memories slowly fade into fantasy where you indulge my deep desire. I dream of gazing into your eyes and seeing that you return my longing. I yearn for a time when we relinquish our resistance. I'll reach up to tug at the hair behind your ears. One of my hands will gently cradle the back of your neck, as the other holds you tight. You'll feel my heart drumming against your chest. My lips will burn with the anticipation of your kiss.

Alas, my titillating trance is merely temporary and I tentatively trek back to reality. The torturous agony of your love unrequited is unparalleled by any other pain.